marmite grilled cheese crumpets

Why didn’t I ever try these before???  They are one of the most delicious things I’ve eaten in a long time, perhaps even ever!  A little while back I did a post asking you how you eat your crumpets, and a couple of people mentioned grilling cheese or marmite and cheese on top of them – to be honest, I thought the idea of a savoury crumpet sounded a bit weird.

marmite grilled cheese crumpets

But today, with not much else around and pretty bored at the idea of eating crumpets with golden syrup on for lunch, I thought it was about time I gave them a go.  I toasted my crumpets first – I am a bit particular about how I toast my crumpets, on my toaster I put them in on setting 6 first, then toast them again on setting 2 but on the bagel setting so only the tops get another toasting.

marmite grilled cheese crumpets

Next I spread them with some salty organic butter, slathered on some marmite, and piled them high with finely grated mature Cheddar.  Then I stuck them under the grill and left them to cook until I suddenly thought “ah s@!*” having nearly forgotten about them.  Turns out, the moment I remember I’m grilling marmite and melted cheese crumpets and think “ah s@!*” is just the right amount of time they need.

marmite grilled cheese crumpets

They come out looking like this and taste INCREDIBLE.

marmite grilled cheese crumpets

They are both light and dense all at the same time, the marmite becomes part of the crumpet, and the cheese seeps into all the holes.  I even made a third because I’m the sort of person who always likes to have one too many of a good thing, plus there was grated cheese just waiting to be used up.

marmite grilled cheese crumpets

I’m a complete convert, and have decided if I ever have children this is what they’ll eat throughout the winter when they get in from school.