
It’s fair to say that last year we mainly grew potatoes on our allotment – in fact, that’s all we really grew apart from the odd strawberry and some herbs. We have been pretty shocking about keeping it up these past few years, it just seems we’ve had one thing after another pop up in our life and staying on top of the allotment always seems to get pushed further down the list.

Having baby T now has made me think how much I hope to spend time this spring and summer on the allotment, just her and Buddy during the week, pottering, weeding, sowing, planting.  I imagine T laid on a blanket, the dog next to her, and me digging.  Or once she is sitting up and shuffling around, eating flowers or dirt.




But for now, our allotment is a bit of a sad mess and empty of all it’s potato harvest as of the a recent weekend.  We went down late afternoon, the sun was beginning to set, the trees looked like they were on fire from the sun’s glow and we had three rows of red skinned potatoes to dig up.




I got T in the sling, all togged up to ‘help’ the Mr dig up the potatoes…and ended up a few minutes later perched in the car feeding a hungry baby.  I had a momentary strop.  This was not how I’d planned it, we were supposed to be all together digging potatoes up, but instead I was stuck in the car.  Strop over and we had a lovely time.

The Mr dug up enough potatoes to fill two (very glamorous orange plastic) buckets.  Some we had lost to whatever creature is it that burrows inside a potato, but some were absolute brutes.

They have already been mashed and topped fish pie and others made into roasties.  What’s certain is they will keep us going for a while.


And although I’m already looking forward to spring, you can’t beat a wintry sunset like this.